hello good buyMy faithful Nissan Altima has been a great car for the last 5 years, but we sold it this week after just a couple days of listing it in the classifieds. Since we found several nice used vans online in Louisville, Lewis and I made the trek up on Thursday evening to check them out. Lewis got to spend some quality time with his grandma (Martha) while dad and I went all over on Friday.
Oddly, the van that we picked was the first one we saw on Thursday night when we first got to town. It's a 2001 Honda Odyssey with low miles. The Odyssey was by far the van most recommended to us by other parents out there. It's going to be wonderful and we got a great deal in our price range. And because we are getting a nice tax refund and sold my car we get to avoid the dreaded car payment.
Lewis did not have a good night on Thursday night when we stayed with my sister, Ellen. He had a terrible time getting to sleep and woke up around 2 a.m. upset. He was up off and on until 4 a.m. when he finally gave up and got to sleep. It felt like I had just fallen asleep when the earthquake hit. I was so delirious by that point that I was rather unsure what was going on, especially since that is the first earthquake most of us ever experienced. I was afraid the painting on the wall over the bed was going to do some damage, but just as I got pretty worried, the shaking stopped. What a weird thing!
Van shopping is not that fun anyway, but being so exhausted made it worse. Still, looking back over the week......selling my car, finding a van, getting the price we can afford, and several other details that worked out in the nick of time.......it is obvious that God walked us through this process and it is a huge relief to move on.
We have to give a shout out to my sister Ellen, my dad and Martha for chauffeuring me around, providing hospitality, childcare and moral support. Thank you!!
Here are some pics. Goodbye Nissan!

Hello Honda! Here are a couple of web pictures of the van. We got it from the nice people of Acura at Oxmoor.

and the view from the front.