Friday, June 30, 2006

Justin will be posting something later, probably with cool pictures etc. I just wanted to give the maternal perspective briefly before I collapse from exhaustion! Today was a pretty good day. The people at Centennial Medical Center are doing a great job taking care of Lewis. Being in the NICU makes us realize how lucky we are. Lewis looks so healthy compared to so many of the premies, and the doctors are very re-assuring that his prognosis is good. They did a lumbar puncture today (otherwise known as a spinal tap) to check for meningitis and a few other things. We are not sure when the results will come back on that. They are still trying to figure out exactly what the bacteria is that is causing his infection. They know the name of it now, just doing research to figure out what it all means.

Otherwise, we got to hold him a great deal. They even had us try nursing, which was not a huge success, but I felt like we got to bond which we both needed badly! Today was really busy, and it took its toll on me. Hopefully tonight will provide some much needed sleep so we can handle tomorrow.

Thanks for your encouraging emails and phone calls etc. We are hoping people are checking the blog because we barely have time to call our family to keep them posted. We will try to post daily updates. We can feel your prayers and are so grateful for all of you!

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