Thursday, June 29, 2006

So Lewis' infection doesn't seem to be getting better... his breathing slows down when he's sleeping, but when he wakes up he gets kinda crazy and starts breathing way too fast. Our pediatrician, Dr. Fraser, told us earlier that if he doesn't show some signs of improvement today, he may have to be transported to Vanderbilt in Nashville for better treatment. We're praying he'll get better on his own, since we're very anxious to get him home, but of course want him to get whatever treatment he needs. Please pray for him, and for us, when you can. I'll post some newer images or video later on today.



Valentine Morozov said...

Justing & Shelley & Lewis,
We are SOO excited for you guys and will pray for Lewis' infection and for you guys to get some sleep and rest in between everything else. We are so excited to meet him!

Heather (& the Morozov boys)

Valentine Morozov said...

Justin & Shelley & Lewis,
We are soo excited for you guys and can't wait to meet Lewis! We will be praying for Lewis' infection and that everything will turn out just fine. Hope you get some sweet sleep in between all the new parent things going on! :)

Heather & the Morozov boys :)