After a few weeks of therapy, we are seeing some good results. Lewis is consistently pushing himself up with the use of his step stool, and without our assistance. He has even tried standing without it, but it is still a little too difficult at this point. He is becoming much more vocal too. No true words, but he is willing to watch us talk now, which should help him learn to put his mouth in the right position to say different words.
Here's a video of him standing up with his stool, and very quickly I might add! It often takes a little while to maneuver his little body, so this is his best attempt to date. He is on his way to independence!
Lewis is going to get to spend some time with his grandparents next week, and so here are a couple of photos of his grandpas from the last couple of weeks that we forgot to post earlier. Lewis LOVES his grandpas. He loves their female counterparts as well, but he has a special affection for these two gentlemen that is precious.
Grandpa Shepherd:
Grandpa Reitmeyer
it's so good to hear that Lewis is making progress.. love the videos. by the way, the video of him running around the house yelling/singing is pretty hilarious and cute.. enjoy the trip to California..
Happy Anniversary, Shepherds!!
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