Sunday, December 09, 2007

babies, babies, babies!

Several of our friends have added a second child to their families in the last month. Congrats to Val and Morozov who had a girl on Nov. 15th. Also to Matthew and Sarah Wilson who had a boy on Dec. 1st, and Brice and Julie Boyer who had a girl on Dec. 7th. I almost forgot Cheyenne and Darla Olgesby who added a girl to their family on Dec. 4th. You are in our thoughts and prayers!!


the Powells said...

congratulations to all those second-time around parents and all those tiny December gifts!

Nicole Martin said...

oh my goodness - i think this is the year of the girl - everybody is having girls now - it WAS boys hehe...funny!! also - congrats honey - I am so happy for you guys!!!!!!!!