Tuesday, April 29, 2008

another tag

My friend Carrie Powell tagged us a while back on the profound topic of "Five things you want your kids to know before they grow up." I've been thinking on it for a while and it is a tough one, but here's a start:

1--To see themselves honestly as fallen creatures in need of a Savior, and know that Christ is the only one who can fix the situation.

2--They are not going to be great at everything, but they have a unique purpose and can take joy in what they are good at........(in addition, they'll never know if they're good at something until they try).

3--To eat a variety of foods. :)

4--The joy of traveling. Our world is a big place to explore first hand.

5--To think for themselves and make wise choices.

Tagging others is hard too, but I can tag Heather Morozov, Nicole Martin, Sarah Wilson, and Darla Oglesby--all moms of TWO babies now.

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