Monday, November 03, 2008

A tale of two swing voters

Hey everyone, this is Justin, checking in on my regular every-few-months basis.

Well, this morning I woke after a long day of reporting on the Titans' overtime win over the Packers (yes, really, it's work)... and what did I find?

First, a little background. I often tune into MSNBC ("The Place for Politics!") in my spare time here at home, and my little guys are more politically informed than most toddlers and infants. Well, anyone that's met Owen and Lewis knows they're a couple loyal kids. What you may NOT know is how patriotic they are! Apparently, they'd caught a few John McCain ads in the past few weeks, and decided "Yeah! Country first!" And that's how I came to wake up to this:

Shepherd boys wearing McCain shirts?!?! Grandpa Billy would have a fit! But, Shelley and I are moderates and try to teach our boys to think for themselves. At least they're civic-minded, right?

Well, I stepped out for a bit and thought little else of it. But when I got back, it seems they'd figured out that their dad wasn't Joe the Plumber, but Justin the meager coffeeshop owner -- and that if daddy gets a tax cut, daddy's boys might get more toys! That's when I saw this:

Grandpa Billy would be proud now! (Grandpa Norm, not so much.) I think they're still conflicted -- thankfully for democracy's sake, they're not allowed to vote yet... (Cheesy moral of the story coming up... wait for it...)

But YOU ARE! So head out to the polls on Tuesday and exercise your rights!

This has been a public service announcement by the Fantastic Family Shepherd. No candidate or candidate's committee was involved in this announcement. And no one approved this message.


Anonymous said...

I approve the McCain shirts! Too cool.

Kelly & Nathan said...