Friday, December 05, 2008


We spent Thanksgiving up in Louisville with our families. Justin had to go back to work on Friday so I stayed in order to visit longer with my dad, Martha and my sisters. We got to see the Shepherds too on Friday for a while, but the whole thing went by so fast.

My sister, Beth, came prepared to try out some of her ABA skills on Lewis. She was blowing up balloons, letting them go, and then getting him to perform various tasks in order for her to do it again. He loved it! She also had a glitter ball and Lewis got really into taking turns with the ball, also vocalizing to get another turn. It was like a weekend of therapy.

Beth blowing up yet another balloon for Lewis.

Lewis excited after all the air has gone out.

In the meantime, Ellen spent some time with Owen. Poor Ellen was not feeling so great, but she tried to be in a good mood.

And Martha got to snuggle with Owen some too.

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