Sunday, February 22, 2009

funny boys

These are some leftover pictures from last week. The boys have matching jammies (thanks to my stepsister, Leah) and I had to get a picture. In this picture, Lewis is looking at his animal book and trying to say, "Meow." He pretty much just says, "MmmEEE," but it's a start!

There was some warm weather last weekend and we got to go to the park. Lewis has gotten much more interested in playing at the park, which is a nice change from just beating on the equipment and running up and down the ramps. He has been crawling under everything lately.....chairs, tables, through our legs, so these tunnels are a wonderful alternative!

There are a couple of slides he really likes going down now too. The tunnel slides are a bit more challenging because they do not sit even with the landing above. Lewis worked for a half hour one day figuring out how to get his legs inside so he could go down by himself. Now he's a pro!

One of those other motherly things I did last weekend was to dress the boys in red for Valentine's Day. Lewis was excited at first when I got out the camera,......

but when he realized he was not going to get to play with it, he responded this way:

He recovered soon after and hopes that everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

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