Thursday, March 19, 2009

walking in daddy's shoes

The weeks have been flying by! The longer days are making life a bit more fun and enjoyable. This time last week it was snowing, and we are so grateful to be embarking into the spring. But it seems like some random funny things have been going on at our house.

The boys got dressed in green for St. Patrick's Day, which is not so unusual.

But then, Lewis has been trying to wear our shoes. I found him like this, and thought it was funny since the shoes really go well with his outfit, if only his feet were bigger.

Lewis has been encouraged by our OT to do heavy pushing to give his arms a workout. Our friend and volunteer therapist, Mandy Guss, found this 80's shopping cart in her mom's attic and Lewis has enjoyed pushing it around with a haul of beans and Vienna sausages. Notice how he's pushing with one hand, and carrying his beverage in the other, also just like his dad. Thanks Mandy!

Now for the videos. Justin and Lewis play all kinds of funny games together. Honestly, I don't get many of them, or why they're so funny, but Lewis LOVES it when daddy comes home and is ready to play. This video involves a game with a monkey.

This one is Owen showing his own unique sense of humor, and love for the camera.

This last one is Lewis taking a short video. Live a moment from Lewis' perspective..sort of!

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