Friday, April 17, 2009

louisville zoo

We took Lewis and Owen to the zoo with my family on Good Friday. Lewis enjoyed seeing the animals, but struggled to see many of them in their natural habitats.

They did have a neat exhibit where they let us feed a giraffe. Lewis seemed a little afraid, but I had fun.

There was also a very intense gorilla.

Lewis waved and tried to get his attention.

Owen was along for the ride.

Lewis also enjoyed waving at himself in the reflective glass which caused him to miss out on some cool animals, like the alligator.

By far his favorite animals were the penguins. They were very active and swimming around. He got very excited watching them. It was the most excited he was all day.

The train was his next favorite part. He cried when we had to get off. He had never been on a train before and kept signing train and smiling really big while we rode around.

Here's a short clip of Lewis watching the penguins. I missed his best moments, but this is what we got:

All in all, a good day!

1 comment:

Terri said...

What a fun experience feeding the giraffes. Glad to hear Louis is progressing.
Ms. Terri