Friday, May 29, 2009

lewis and owen tales

Reading the Sunday paper is a Shepherd tradition that Lewis has recently taken hold of. He spent a great deal of time checking out this ad in particular.

We drop into Spencer's on a regular basis too, especially when Justin is there. Owen had a good time hanging out with Jenny recently.

Lewis like to explore the space and help out behind the counter. Here's a video to give you a better idea. (If you listen carefully you can hear some of his verbal attempts).

We stopped by the library that same day and Lewis tried out the chair out front.

This is Owen in a soccer uni that Justin picked out just after Lewis was born.

Here's Lewis in the same outfit a couple years ago.

The funny thing is that Lewis looks much chunkier....but the reality is that Owen loves to eat so much more than his big brother. Here's another video, this one of Owen trying to get Lewis' Veggie Chips.

Finally, a couple of pictures of Lewis with his duck. He loves this duck so much that he is now sleeping with it at night. Justin made up yet another game involving the duck swimming and going to bed, so Lewis has been spending much time with the duck, and even brushing its teeth.

We'll leave you with a clip of Lewis humming. He is humming "Happy Birthday to You" also....(not shown) & not always on key, but it's a start!

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