Thursday, July 09, 2009

pictures from the lake

We had a good time on our vacation last week at Barren River Lake. Lewis loves the water, and so it is a doubly great time for him. Here's a view of 3 generations of Shepherd men on the boat. Lewis likes to watch out the back.

Lewis demanded a quick swim the first day. He's quite good at it as long as he some water noodles to keep him afloat.

He even tried to drive the boat.

Owen had his maiden voyage too. Cousin Shari helped keep him calm out on the water.

More swimming at the "beach" area.

Owen and I after our swim.

Owen checking out the scenery after swimming........trying to stay awake.

We stopped at a playground at the resort park.

Aunt Jeanne with Owen.

Our last trip out in the boat ended in technical difficulties and all of us stranded at a marina for an hour or so. It was somewhat of an adventure, but Lewis was really happy to get back to civilization.

Justin and Lewis having fun while things were still rolling.

A couple videos for your viewing enjoyment.

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