Tuesday, November 10, 2009

apples and leaves

Yesterday I arrived at school to pick up Lewis and was SHOCKED to find him eating an apple! He was sitting outside with his aide taking big bites, like it was no big deal. Apparently there is a new grant that is providing every child at his school with a nutritious snack (sounds like mostly fruit) every day! Hopefully he will respond to other fruits like this. When we got home he ran to the new slide that the grandparents Shepherd bestowed upon us this weekend, and proceeded to sit at the top until he mostly finished the apple. He even ate some of the core.

Here are a couple pics.

And a video.

His teacher's theory is that he saw the other kids eating apples and joined in when told to eat his apple. She sent me this picture from their Halloween party which makes us think he may have been dreaming of apples for the last couple weeks. Either way, it is a huge step in the right direction!

We have been playing outside quite a bit since the weather has been nice. The boys both love the slide, and it has given Lewis an opportunity for some pretend play. He's been sending babies, stuffed toys, and his beloved trains for rides down the slide. Here is Toby finishing up a ride down.

Owen has been loving walking around in the leaves! He is so happy outside, and his walking skills are good enough that he can handle some leaves and sticks here and there.

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