Wednesday, March 31, 2010

egg hunt and the bunny

Lewis' class took a field trip yesterday to Bowling Green High School where some students had set up an Easter egg hunt (and I got to join them!). They had made these cute "baskets" out of milk cartons for the kids to collect their eggs in. Lewis did not have a super-competitive spirit when the teacher said "go!" He was very slow and methodical in putting the eggs in his container, and at the end had about eight eggs to show for it (not too bad!). I joked with his aide that he has yet to grasp the concept of greed.

Anyway, after the eggs were snatched up, many of Lewis' classmates lined up to meet the Easter bunny.Obviously a girl, the bunny was very friendly and tried to get the kids to give hugs etc. Lewis was totally freaked out by this bunny. It was an incredible mixture of fear and awe. He was terrified, but couldn't walk away. The bunny gave him an egg which he liked. Then she asked for a high five. That went well. Finally, I asked Lewis if we could take a picture, all three of us together. From then on he seemed okay with the bunny and followed her around for a good part of the time.

What a cute smile!

Lewis warming up to the bunny

Class photo

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