Wednesday, August 18, 2010

school starts

Lewis started back to preschool on Monday. It has been a busy week! But, to catch you up, one of his latest obsessions is with arrows, and particularly one way signs. He notices arrows everywhere (you should look around the next time you are out at all the arrows pointing all over!). I found him doing this one day with his leap frog letters.

The boys have been watching a video called "Watch Me Learn" that models play for kids with autism. It is funny to see them mimicking what they see. Lewis got home from his first day of school and immediately made a train with Owen to go down the slide. It has become a daily ritual for them. They both really enjoy it and it is great exercise.

Here's a video of a day recently:

As for school, Lewis had a super aide who worked with him last year, but recently took a new job and is not working at his school anymore. Poor Lewis has asked for him repeatedly, but seems to be enjoying school despite his absence. He is adjusting better than we thought, which will really help next year when he will change schools completely.

Since it cooled off this week, Owen and I headed to the park for a few minutes of fun. He liked riding this horse and met a little girl who he said "hi" to repeatedly.

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