Saturday, May 07, 2011

phoebe's first couple of weeks

Phoebe's first couple of weeks have been rather uneventful. She's been eating a lot, sleeping and staying awake for brief periods here and there. This was Phoebe at a week old with our stuffed lion.

On Tuesday, Phoebe had her two week check-up, though she was a day short of two weeks. She had not quite gained as much weight as Dr. Kniery would've liked, so we have increased the length of her feedings and frequency when demanded. She weighed in at 7 lbs., 11 oz., 3 oz. shy of her birth weight. We are supposed to go back in a couple weeks to check her weight and not see the doctor unless her weight is too low.

We actually weighed her today at our friends' (the Winklers) house on their postal scale. She was up to 8 lbs., which is great! We will keep an eye on things and she should gain without any trouble. Honestly, with 2 other small kids, I have lost track fairly often of when to feed her and not paid nearly enough attention unless she is really mad & hungry.

We have asked Lewis multiple times if he'd like to hold his baby sister, and he has always said 'no' until the other day when he agreed to hold her. Once Justin put her close to him, he kind of changed his mind, but sort of got to hold her.

On Wednesday, when she was exactly 2 weeks old, her cord fell off. Dr. Kniery had cleaned her cord area thoroughly with silver nitrate, and that seemed to help things along. Our infant tub needed a good cleaning before we could use it, so she got her first bath today! She's fresh and clean now.

She's sleeping in good chunks once we get past midnight, but she fights it until then. We are still pretty sleepy during the day, as a result because I end up with just 5-6 hours before the boys need to get up, which isn't enough. Over all, things are going pretty well. We're really glad she's ours! We'll leave you with her angry/mad/hungry face.

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