Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Phoebe's 4+ month stats

We had Phoebe's 4 month appointment today, but she'll be 5 months in a week, so it seems kind of late. However, her stats are up to date (percentiles to the day compared to others)....and they are:

Height: 25.5" (70th perc.)
Weight: 16 lbs., 7 oz. (82nd)
Head: 42.5 cm (90th)

So she's big, essentially! We knew that already because she's heavy and roly poly. She's doing great as far as eye contact, trying to roll (she's rolled both belly to back and back to belly a few times, but is inconsistent) and her head control is excellent.

We passed on vaccines again today. We might let her get one shot next month. I dread that decision, honestly! Otherwise, it appears she is on target. She is definitely trying to get a tooth as well. Drooling constantly and I can feel it under the gum. Will it recede or pop out? Time will tell. Phoebe is enjoying her bumbo seat, her new jumper we got for $5 on consignment and her exersaucer. She likes to be vertical and able to look around. She is also sleeping well. Generally at least 8 hrs, often 10-11 in a row.

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