Monday, October 31, 2011

6 months!

Phoebe turned 6 months old on October 20th! She is happy and sleeping good, in her new room (which is a whole other post that has been put off with many others). She has gone 11+ hours a couple of nights, but nothing consistent yet. She generally sleeps about 8 before waking up, eating and going back to sleep. She is determined to get a new tooth in the near future and has been in a bit of pain, but tries her hardest to stay content.

She is eating solids now. So far she has tried bananas, carrots, sweet potatoes, peas and oatmeal. She likes them all. She cried desperately during her first feeding after the first bite. She was dying for another. She ate an entire pureed banana that first feeding. She also loves Kix cereal, and gums them until they dissolve with no problem. She is picking up Kix, but can't get them into her mouth. She does a great job of dropping them on the floor though. :)

She is sitting independently and only rarely falls over. She has mastered rolling from back to belly but can't seem to figure out the other direction. She LOVES her jumper and watching her brothers play most of all. Pat-a-cake is her favorite little game.

We saw the doctor the other day, and he said she looked great. Holding steady at big in all categories and developmentally on target. We have continued skipping vaccines, and we are happy with that choice and the cooperation of our doctor.

Her current stats:

Height: 26.25"
Weight: 18 lbs., 8 oz.
Head: 17.25"

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