Saturday, December 31, 2011

the big move

This photo of Phoebe is the "before" picture of what is now her room. On October 8-9, we made the transition of Lewis into Owen's room (sharing that big room) and Phoebe out of our room and into her own space. She was almost 6 months old and was barely fitting into the bassinet she had at the time. She is much happier in a crib now, and the boys adjusted much better than we expected too.

Phoebe has a crib, and a trundle bed in case she wants to invite friends over to spend the night.

The boys have a lot of space still in their room too. The train track has more room to grow.

The first night in their new room, they read books together on the couch.

Lewis in his bed.Owen in his bed. They actually seem happier this way, and enjoy saying prayers together and our new routine. And we are happy to have our room back, and to have Phoebe sleeping soundly in a big crib.

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