Sunday, January 08, 2012

november highlights

November started into the holiday season, and we got super busy. These are photos that are random and didn't fit into any certain post. I had to look for one of Owen though, which seems bad. He's usually pretty photogenic, but this was the best one I had. He loves riding that trike and putting stickers on his jacket.

Many of these have been posted on Instagram with an app on my phone. If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, these may look really familiar! The ones I pull from there are square with interesting filters or borders.

Lewis running in the leaves.

Phoebe loves to swing!!

This was Phoebe and her lion at 7 months old. We take a picture of her each month with the lion.

This is Lewis at a decorating party at school just before Thanksgiving. Here he is interacting with a "friend" from the 2nd grade class. He went through a phase where he talked about this boy all the time! It was really cute to see them talking. Lewis is generally not interested in most kids, so we were really excited that he seemed to like one in particular. I was happy to get to meet him too.

After a month or so of eating solids, Phoebe had gotten really into eating, and she still loves it. This was her "waiting for another bite" pose. It seemed like with every bite she swallowed and opened quickly for her next bite. So cute.

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