Saturday, April 14, 2012

january post

So, we're gonna hit the highlights of January in one post. The above photo of dear Owen shows a lot of what went on for January, February and March. We thought he had pinkeye, but it was an ear infection that was draining out his eye. Yuck! We have been to the doctor a lot, but it's starting to feel like a distant memory now, thankfully!

We had a visit from Grandpa Norm (reading to Phoebe),

and Grandma Martha (with Owen).

Grandparents Shepherd also came and stayed at the Holiday Inn where Phoebe got to go swimming for the first time. Her swimsuit was size 12 months, but was pretty tight! She really loved it and the boys enjoyed swimming too since it had been a long time.

All the grandparents came to an Autism Support Group meeting geared toward grandparents and family members. We were glad they came!

Phoebe started getting into some videos. She loves Signing Time and our Bounce videos (music therapy for kids on the spectrum). It's pretty obvious the ones she likes best. She was clapping along with a song in this picture.

This might've been on one of Owen's sick days, but he got this Lego supermarket set for Christmas and really love playing with it.

Lewis got into feeding Phoebe for a while. He did pretty good and she seemed to like having him do it. It was fun while it lasted.

Justin and I both had birthdays. On my birthday, we went to a restaurant and Phoebe ate a ton of bread, and just seemed to generally love being there.

And my biggest surprise, Lewis asked to eat one of the cupcakes that had candy hearts on them.

Phoebe became an avid reader in there somewhere. She really loves to read and turn the pages herself!

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