Wednesday, June 20, 2012

may/june highlights

 Our indoor activities have included coloring (which Owen does not generally like, but works harder at with a LOT of encouragement!)....
 church....and riding home with crazy prizes.....

and a cute baby sister......

taking photos of ourselves.....
 a visit from Natasha, and drinking lots of coffee (Lewis has decided he likes to drink coffee with milk, syrup (honey) and whip (whipped cream) after playing with the iPhone app "Coffee Cafe." We got to have a nice coffee date with Natasha and spend some time with her in Nashville, at our house and then driving her to Lexington for her next stop.  We were very happy to have her around for a couple days.

Phoebe has been trying to put her shoes on lately, this time right before bed.  She does it especially when she wants to go outside.

Last week the boys got to go to VBS, and Owen was constantly using our toy "microphone" to announce things while wearing a hat and crazy glasses.  When I went to the closing ceremony, I got to see the lady he was pretending to be, who leads the singing and large group activities and he had her routine down pretty well.  They loved VBS at the Lutheran church this year and remembered a lot of the verses and themes each day when they got home.

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