Saturday, September 02, 2006


Lewis attended his first indie rock show last night. He got to see his dad rock it out with his band, Foxhole! He was not the only baby there. His friends Corrie and Taylor came out to support the music too (see photo!). Don't worry.....he spent most of his time outside or in the balcony with his ears covered for protection. Still, we hope that his musical palate has begun to develop!

We were proud to see Foxhole on the Capitol marquis in downtown Bowling Green (also pictured). The show went really well. It was Derek Holt's farewell show, as he will be moving to Austria to teach English for at least a year, and so the guys all dressed up for the occasion (wish we had a picture of that!). We will miss "uncle" Derek, but know he will love being a foreigner again in the heart of Europe.

Today has been a rough Saturday for Lewis. He has been congested since his vaccinations and it has made him fussy and tired! He has spent a lot of time sleeping today and has lost some of his appetite. Hopefully he will be back to normal soon! His breathing is less loud now which is a good sign. Earlier today his breathing was reminiscent of the trains that often go by our house. :)

More later!!


1 comment:

mai said...

awwww! that's cute. anyway, I love reading about what you guys are up to. it's nice to see a little piece of home on my computer. :)

lewis is just adorable! and i look forward to meeting him in person! I'll be back in kentucky in december!

love, mai.