Friday, September 01, 2006


Yesterday Lewis had his two month check-up. Dr. Fraser was very impressed with his progress. He now weighs 11 lbs. 5 oz. He is 23" long. He has grown quite well! He had to get some vaccinations which was not really fun. With the help of some Children's Tylenol he has recovered nicely from the pain and frustration. He is getting to be such a big boy! He now endures diaper changes without crying and he can go to sleep on his own when we put him to bed while he is still awake. He is still waking up (usually around 4 a.m.) to eat, but he eats and goes right back to sleep which is a nice change from the long interruption we used to have at night.

In other news, Foxhole is performing tonight in Bowling Green at the Capitol with some other fine acts, Timbre (a classically influenced indie harpist) and Heartwarmer. Saturday night Foxhole will be at the Exit/In in Nashville with Heartwarmer, Maps and Ascent of Everest. Come check them out if you are free!

Enjoy this photo of post-bath Lewis and papa Justin. Lewis really likes his hooded towels and Justin really likes Lewis!


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