Monday, February 26, 2007

visiting Corrie

Lewis got to visit his friend, Corrie, yesterday. Here are a few pics:

Lewis: Smile, Corrie!
Corrie: Huh?

Corrie: Yay, a visitor! I love people!
Lewis: Maybe girls aren't so bad after all.

Corrie: You're so muscular! Have you been working out?
Lewis: Why is she touching my leg?

Corrie: Do you want to taste my finger?
Lewis: Hmmm..........that's not bad!

Lewis: Give that back! It's attached for a reason.
Corrie: Look, mom! A boy on a leash!


Anonymous said...

They were being very friendly during nursery as well. Very good, cute kids from very well mannered, good-looking people!

I hope to be son lucky one day.

Catherine said...

You guys! I can't believe how big and handsome Lewis has gotten! I'm sorry I'm not there to see it...Dave and I must come visit soon. At least we get to keep up with him on your blog:) We miss you guys!

the Powells said...

it's great to see them interacting! sappy mother moment: i still remember when you guys came over and said you were expecting too... so many times i am grateful to have friends like you (lewis is and will be such a blessing to corrie!)

ok, i'm

Derek said...

I'm glad that Lewis is already taking to the couch potato position. Hand that boy a beer!

Valentine Morozov said...

Lewis and Corrie,
You guys are too CUTE for words! The play date is just the beginning for these kind of things! :) Just wait 'til you guys are old enough to run and chase each other around!

Little Val & the Morozovs

R. Justin said...

That's my boy!