into sports?Yeah, this is random information, but the Shepherds have gotten excited about sports this spring. It's not that we are good athletes or anything, but we have been enjoying tennis and baseball nonetheless. Tennis, we got into thanks to Ted and Priscilla Baker, who recently moved back to Bowling Green after a hiatus to Fort Collins, CO for a few years. The Bakers are much more skilled in this area, and I, Shelley, am just plain bad at this point, but it's a lot of fun! Justin bought me a new pink racket and Lewis likes being outside enough that we are able to get to the park and play some. The tennis courts are located very near to the new skate park in town. We get to see some really cool stunts on our way to play tennis for an added bonus.
We are only spectators in the realm of baseball. Thanks to Fox Sports Ohio, we get almost all of the Cincinnati Reds' games on cable, which is a treat after not seeing much at all for several years. After "managing" my high school team (scorekeeping etc.) I became quite the baseball expert and grew to the love the sport. Justin has never really liked the game, but is getting into it. The Reds are playing pretty well so far this season, and Justin is always interested to see how they're doing every night. It's slow-paced and laid back which fits our lifestyle pretty well right now.
I am appreciating the slower pace of our lives these days with a baby in Bowling Green, KY. Today I was able to pay the registration fee on Justin's car and stop by the library, all while strolling Lewis in the cool spring air. It's so nice to live right in the heart of downtown. This is a peaceful place for us to be, and I have to say we are grateful for all the blessings we have.