Tuesday, April 24, 2007

graham crackers and luaus

There is not tons of breaking news in the Shepherd fam this week. However, there a couple of pictures to share. The first is of Lewis, ready for a Hawaiian luau thanks to his Aunt Monica. The second shows Lewis just after eating his first graham cracker. He's had several of them this week and seems to like them, but can't quite get all of the cracker in his mouth. Whoever invented bibs, especially the plastic ones, was a brilliant person. Mealtimes are sure to get messier as Lewis takes further interest in his spoon. He grabs it at almost every meal now for at least a couple of bites. He gets sooo excited when he puts it in his own mouth.

Lewis is exploring various sounds right now, such as "guh" and "buh." Mama may come out as "bubba" for a while, which is kind of scary in the south, but we always have hope for progress in the vocabulary arena! "Dad" has turned into "God" for the time being, which is rather interesting. :)

Physically, he loves standing, but only seems to figure out how to pull up on people. We put him in front of furniture and he just doesn't get that he can use that to pull himself up. He's weighing in at over 21 lbs. now on our home scale. Big boy!

1 comment:

Household6 said...

BIBS!! They make such a difference in baby cleanliness, huh?! I can't tell you how many kinds we've tried, but I had to tell you about our latest favorite!! It's the Baby Bjorn soft bib http://www.amazon.com/BABYBJ%25d6RN-Soft-Bib-%252d-Blue/dp/B000BFSMD6/ref=pd_lpo_k2_dp_k2a_1_txt/002-7071211-9241652

In the past I had always stayed away from these formed bibs b/c I thought they looked uncomfortable for baby, but we bought two last summer. I keep one in the diaper bag and one at home. I love them. You can either wipe them out or put them in the top rack of the dishwasher (which I like, because then I feel like they are really clean). The best part is it really keeps Gabe clean. He can eat the messiest meal and he stays pretty darn spotless.

I got my original ones at Target, but I've had a hard time finding them lately. I'll be buying these soon!! Our ones from last summer each have a small crack in the bottom of the bib. They are still usable but I still want to get a couple of more.


P.S. If you want to see a HUGE mess give Lewis a Zwieback toast. HOLY MOLY afterwards my kids look like they have the chicken pox!!