Wednesday, May 09, 2007

teeth, yogurt and fun

In the last few days, Lewis has been very busy! Most recently his tooth has definitely emerged, though it is still not fully visible. He also tried yogurt for the first time, and it was homemade!! Call me crazy, but I really enjoyed learning to make yogurt and it's much cheaper than buying it. It is time consuming however. Socially, over the weekend he got to bond more with our cat, Macchi (short for macchiato, a yummy latte beverage). He loves her so much! We are glad she is taking some interest in him too.

On Sunday, he got to spend some time with Simon Basham. Simon is 6 months younger, but it won't be long until he catches up to Lewis in size and ability. They seemed to mutually enjoy and yet confuse each other by the other's company. They often seemed to be thinking, "Who is that little person?" We stole this picture from them, by the way.

Last night we went to El Mazatlan for an "Ocho De Mayo" social with our small group (we missed Cinco de mayo on Saturday, oops!). Lewis got dressed for the occasion in his tropical garb. The waiters and waitresses paid him a lot of attention there. We wondered if that is not part of their training, or maybe just the Mexican way?


me said...

You must share your recipe on making yogurt. I have seen a gadget in Williams Sonoma for doing it, but didn't realize until recently that it could be done without the expensive tool. Apparently Matthew's parents used to do it. The organic whole milk baby yogurt is costing a fortune, so I need to learn to make my own too. - Sarah

Anonymous said...

as i said before, i'm impressed with your yogurt-making. i'm glad it turned out well. simon had fun with lewis -- they'll have to hang out again soon!

Cort said...

Count me as impressed with the yogurt-making as well.

We had fun with you guys on Sunday, too. I've been thinking about Lewis' legs dangling and kicking while we strolled. :)

Let's do it again soon.

Derek said...

So is "yogurt" gonna be added now to the spencer's menu? Just that. it would be a nice constrast with with all those superfluous descriptions it bears. Just "Yogurt", with no definition.

I miss making fun of you guys on this blog now that all your blogging goes to Vox.