Tuesday, February 26, 2008

lewis learns some signs

After literally MONTHS of trying to teach Lewis some simple sign language, he finally has a couple of words down. This first video is of him doing 'more' while eating some taco casserole. He does not do it correctly by ASL standards (he's close!), but he's consistent in always using the same gesture to mean 'more.'

The other word we've been working on a lot with our new speech therapist is 'please.' So far Lewis mainly uses them in conjunction together, but he will do his own version of 'please' which is really pretty close to the real sign. You can see him use both in the next video....forgive the longness of it. We're so glad to be communicating better with Lewis, and really hope this is just the beginning!


Valentine Morozov said...

YEAH FOR LEWIS!!!!!! You look awesome, boy!!! We are so proud of you and you are the cutest thing I have ever seen eating marshmallows!!! Way to go!
We love you,
all the MOrozovs :)

Vera said...

Lewis is so sute! Thsi is a very good video. It's almost comical:)

~ Vera Foushee