Thursday, June 12, 2008

last days as a threesome

Lewis' days as an only child are numbered! We are trying to make the most of our time with him without having to divide our attention. Mostly we've been outside baking in the heat! Here are some pictures from the last week or so.

Lewis smelling a cantaloupe from the farmers' market. This was his first real interest in a smell, and he was very impressed!

Lewis has finally been taking an interest in climbing. He can climb into several chairs in the house now, and his stroller. We got a double stroller from the family recently and he is also climbing into it!

Lewis can now do a sign for 'candy.' It's not quite the right sign, but we know what he means! He's also feeding himself grapes consistently after months of trying. We went back to cutting them in half and that seemed to do the trick. Otherwise he continues to communicate in his own way which oddly works the majority of the time. He gets his shoes when he wants to go outside, and drags people around to what he wants. If he doesn't want to do what we ask, he usually tries to give us a hug and/or kiss to distract us from whatever it is. It's cute, but doesn't get the results he's after!

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