Monday, June 09, 2008

pregnancy update--36 weeks

I had a check-up today with Dr. Gass. I am dilated 2 cm and 50% effaced which is exactly where I was at this point in my pregnancy with Lewis. At this rate, hopefully the baby will be born in the next couple of weeks. He said the head is down which is good news! No other exciting symptoms to report except for nesting and feeling stressed to get things done in time for the baby.

If you were around for our posts about Lewis' birth, you may remember our NICU experience. Lewis contracted Group B Strep from me as he passed through the birth canal. This time we are hoping and praying that we can get to the hospital in plenty of time to get lots of antibiotics prior to delivery. Everything happened quickly with Lewis, which seemed great at the time, but now we know that six hours of IV antibiotics can keep the infection from spreading. We have also found that Group B strep is connected to cases of developmental delays and could be a factor in Lewis' speech delay (and other issues) so we really want to avoid having that happen again. The good news is that Bowling Green has a NICU now, so the likelihood of us having to go to Nashville is minimal even if problems arise. That alone is very comforting. Please pray for this birth to go smoothly!

We had a fun and packed weekend, including a baby shower. We'll post some pictures soon!

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