Wednesday, March 11, 2009

go tops!

We rooted the WKU hilltoppers to victory last night in the Sunbelt Conference Tournament. The boys got to wear their new Western attire for the event. They look great in red!

We've been having a lot of therapy still. Lewis has learned to string beads by himself and is working on a 12 piece jigsaw puzzle. He really despises working puzzles, but seems to have a knack for them. He's also imitating nodding 'yes' and shaking his head 'no' which is a welcome skill!

He's become quite fond of the laundry basket and is even willing to push his brother around the house for a few laps. Owen is up to over 20 lbs., so it's quite a workout for a little guy! But oddly, he has enjoyed sitting in the basket for his evening video. It keeps his dinner crumbs from getting in the carpet which is an added bonus.

Owen is working on his first tooth. It is just past the gums and should be emerging anytime for a better view.

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