Wednesday, March 04, 2009

pics and video

Here are some sweet pictures of Owen in a diaper. I have a friend who always says there's nothing sweeter than a baby in a in her honor, I captured Owen at 8 months.

And here's Lewis at Walmart the other night. Justin found this cowboy hat and it was cracking us up! We were strong and managed to leave it at the store.

Lewis has been learning to imitate. After months of watching his signing videos, he's finally trying to do what the people on the screen are doing. It makes for some great entertainment! His current favorite has a song about all the things people can do ("I'm really good at walking...running, etc.)." Lewis does babyrobics to this song, and in this particular video, after he gets into it, he seems to be dancing much like our friend, Derek Holt. Give it a minute for him to get going and you'll see what I mean! Happy viewing.

1 comment:

Terri said...

Love Lewis dancing. Your little one is getting so big. I am so happy that Lewis is making great strides.