Monday, June 22, 2009

Owen turns one

Yesterday was Owen's birthday. It's hard to believe he's already a year old! We had a low-key party with the Reitmeyer side of the family.....and really it was a shared event since Lewis turns three in a week. Owen woke up early and was ready to play so he spent some time throwing balls into his elephant toy. He got it for Christmas but has just recently learned how to get the balls in there!

We had a balloon theme because both boys love balloons. We had gluten and casein free balloon cupcakes. They were actually pretty yummy!

Here's the birthday boy getting ready for some cake.

He liked it! He made a big mess out of it, but I guess we missed that photo op. It was mostly a pile of crumbs on his tray.

Then we opened presents. This card looks a lot like Owen!

After opening a few gifts, the boys switched toys (trying to share?).

The balloons still remained super fun. Here's Lewis trying to hold all of them.

It was a bit exhausting so he had to lay down, but couldn't let go of the balloons.
In a further effort to speak, Lewis is even trying to say 'balloon.' His version sounds more like 'ba woo', but we'll take it!

The birthday boy exercises his legs.

Here's the boys with the grandparents.

And with mom.

No party is complete without a pic of Lewis and aunt Ellen.

1 comment:

the Powells said...

Happy birthday boys! My, my... all this growing. We are so proud of you both! love, the powells