Wednesday, August 12, 2009

finally mama!!

Taking a break from the Texas report to bring the good news--someone is calling me 'mama'-- (finally!) and his name is Lewis. After having two boys, I used to joke that I just wanted someone to call me 'mama' but it seemed like it would never happen. When Lewis started talking a couple of months ago, I pushed for him to say it, but he began calling me 'maha.' Not exactly right, but it was better than nothing!

Then yesterday I asked him to say it and it came out right. Now he will call me correctly when asked, and when the mood hits just right. This video shows him getting it, and then spelling Lewis.


the Powells said...

wow! gives a whole new meaning when we talk about kids ALWAYS saying our name... we should cherish every "mom-ma"

proud of lewis :)

Heather Morozov said...

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU AND LEWIS!!! It is just awesome. I'm sure no word has ever sounded so great! Just awesome!

Give Lewis hugs from us,
Heather & the Morozovs

derekstellar said...

L EEEEEE W I S! That was the highlight of my day I think. And I've had a pretty good day!