Tuesday, February 23, 2010

lewis video archive

Lewis' autism brings with it some serious OCD tendencies. He gets obsessed with a book or a song and then after a week moves onto something else. His most recent obsession is with the Wii. I've been forced to use the Wii Fit because the weather has been so awful lately. I've resigned myself to indoor exercise. Anyway, Lewis loves it and pretends to do it all the time. Only, he isn't doing the exercises he is spinning the "hula hoops" (usually coins), or jumping around like the punching bag in the boxing segment. He sings the songs and makes the noises, just like the Wii. Today he has cried twice when we told him he couldn't "watch" the Wii. We made him pick a video instead. I know, we're awful parents, right?

We've got videos of some of his other obsessions of the past few weeks. He's still loving Sandra Boynton. He got into Oh My, Oh My, Oh Dinosaur! for a while. This one is long. He has it memorized. He's doing great with his 's' sounds in this one. Since this book entered our lives he has only wanted to wear his dinosaur p.j.'s.

He moved on to Blue Hat, Green Hat for a while too.

He's also loving the piano. He plays several songs like, "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star", "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" and "Mary Had a Little Lamb." He also plays something that sounds like the sad music on Lost. Here's his own version of "Row, Row."

Other stuff he's learning is how to put on socks. He struggles with dressing skills in general. Socks are going better. This was one of the first days.

It has been a lot of work lately to keep up with his program. He's matching typed words to pictures like hat, boat, duck, dog, pig, hat etc. Many of them he gets right the first try. He's doing simple mazes, writing letters, cutting lines, and labeling actions in pictures. It's very time consuming for me to organize, laminate etc. Socially he seems to be making little progress. Hopefully he will start to become more interested in the other children he is around so much. We still absolutely adore him and we are so proud of the many strengths he has.

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