Tuesday, February 23, 2010

owen update

It's hard to believe Owen is already 20 months old! In just 4 months he'll turn 2! It's crazy. He has been a busy bee lately. He zips around the house with reckless abandon, which leads to some ugly bumps and bruises sometimes (and blurry pictures). He's trying to climb on whatever he can. So far his biggest success has been our new IKEA chair. He will manage to hoist himself and a favorite toy up there and then sit for a bit to play.

He continues to be obsessed with letters, but now has added numbers to the list. He is walking around counting up to ten, with some numbers sounding much clearer than others. He also loves going up and down our step stool. As long as he has something to hold onto he does pretty well, and almost leaps off.

He has also started saying "no" and "yeah." "No" is said so often that it is driving Justin insane. He likes to go to things he imagines are not for him and touch them saying, "No!" I have to remind Justin that Lewis only started saying 'no' a few months ago, so we have to be glad that Owen seems to have this one down.

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