Last Saturday morning, Hopscotch's Play Place was free for a few hours for Alex's Lemonade Stand day. They took donations to benefit kids fighting cancer. We took advantage of the opportunity to try it out and we took a couple of friends, Judith and Henry Cahoon, to share in the fun.
They all loved it. It was unanimous! Lewis struggled with a few of the bouncy things at first, but once he figured out how to get over certain obstacles, he had a blast.
Thanks to a game invited by Aunt Beth, Lewis actually interacted with some kids (3 or 4 total) for quite a while. They took turns throwing a beach ball of sorts over the wall of this bigger bounce house. Once Lewis realized he would get another turn, he had fun watching the other kids and even giving them the ball when it was their turn. We have been hoping for opportunities for Lewis to work on social interaction with children in scenarios that are really fun and might make him want to do it more. It is tricky! This particular setting worked great for that, on this particular day. We can only hope it will occur more in the future.
Henry built himself quite a castle!
Judith loved the play house area, and really loved pushing around a cart of food! I think she checked out at the cashier at least five times.
Henry spying on the other children.
There was a train table too. Lewis stopped by to check that out before we left. He loves the signs most of all right now. You can see them lined up in the far corner. We are so glad we got to visit this place!
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