Thursday, July 15, 2010

the ways to owen's heart

Owen has been busy lately, but we don't have lots of photos to prove it. He's learned how to use a fork, which is helping him with one of his main loves: food. He is a pretty good eater. We went to a fourth of July picnic/cook-out and Owen successfully fed himself an entire hot dog. Unfortunately, he hadn't swallowed much of it. Within minutes, he was wearing the hot dog, and all the other food he'd eaten previously. Our feelings went from elation to disgust rather quickly. But after a quick change, he was good as new, and was up for dessert a bit later.

Owen has also become an extremely affectionate child. After our first round of parenting, this is a big change! We still beg for hugs and kisses from Lewis, and he does give them spontaneously at times. Owen just goes overboard with it and showers us with kisses daily, multiple times. He's very sweet. He has his pushy, whiny moments....but he is two after all.

He has also developed a love for music. He has been singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" quite a bit, which is really precious because he skips over lots of words. He also loves "Ring Around the Rosie" and has been trying to sing along with our new "Miss Lynn" cd that the Morozovs gave the boys for their birthdays.

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