Sunday, July 04, 2010

garden update

This is what the garden looks like now. Our plants have gotten so big they barely fit in our fence now.

One of our baby cucumbers.

A growing zucchini.

Our first two ripe squash!

A plethora of cherry tomatoes.

Our first big tomato turning red. Day one was kind of yellow (7/3).

Today it is orange. Another day or two and we should be able to eat it!

Our pole beans are climbing, but no beans in sight yet.

What we picked yesterday. We've had one nice big cucumber and several cherry tomatoes and snow peas. Beth harvested all of our bok choi and made stir fry. It made room for our squash plants. It's exciting to finally have something to show for all of our hard work!

1 comment:

Stephanie Tillery said...

The garden looks great! It's so exciting isn't it?