Wednesday, January 19, 2011

what we've been doing for fun

A little update on what we've been doing for fun lately. Today we ventured out to the Goodlettsville branch of the Nashville Public Library to see a performance by Miss Lynn, one of the boys' favorite kiddie artists. Our friend, Heather Morozov, passed on her last cd as a birthday present last summer, and let's just say Lewis knows all the words. Owen probably knows most of them too. The crowd seemed a bit sleepy today.

Lewis was a little antsy while things were getting started, but when she started playing a favorite song, his grin got so goofy and big. He was pretty ecstatic to see her playing these songs live. He sang aloud for a couple of them, and Owen sang along some too! It was pretty fun to share this experience with them, and she was a very gracious performer.

In other news, Owen has decided he LOVES Cariboo Island. He wants to play almost every day, and does a decent job taking turns and playing. He loves putting the coins "on the beach!"

He also started trying on my shoes recently, which cracked me up.

Lewis, on the other hand, has been playing a TON of piano. I have to say that my mom would be sooo proud and happy that someone is playing this instrument. She tried to get all of us into piano, and none of us liked it. No one wanted it when dad and Martha were combining their households, and I really wanted to keep in the family, so to speak, so we brought it home. Justin has played it off and on, but Lewis probably plays about an hour every day. Here is a clip of one of his recent original tunes. Mostly he plays by ear songs he hears wherever....but he does occasionally try to create something new.

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Um, your child is amazing. I am in awe.