Wednesday, January 19, 2011

black eyed Owen

When we picked up Owen from the church nursery on Sunday, he'd had some sort of accident (I'm guessing hitting a table or chair) and had a completely swollen left eye. It looked really bad, but he was in good spirits and so we crossed our fingers and hoped for the best, since the little guy wouldn't tolerate cold compresses, let alone sitting still!

The next morning it still looked bad, in my opinion. It was still swollen, but not as bad. It looked like this, although these pictures don't do it justice.

Now it's Wednesday, and we are deep in the black eye stage. The swelling is pretty much gone, but the color is there, under the eye and on his eye-lid. It's hard to see when his eye is open so I asked him to close it for this picture:

These show more clearly what it looks like now.

He's still a cute boy, but we're calling him "bruiser" because of the obvious purple areas, but also because even with this injury, he is reckless and energetic and continues to knock Lewis around and himself. It's a hard knock life for this boy! We expect a full recovery in a matter of days.

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