Wednesday, February 23, 2011

obsessed with bowling

So, we mentioned previously that when we attended the Center for Courageous Kids autism weekend, both boys really enjoyed bowling. Since then it has gotten out of control at our house. We have worked on Wii bowling with Lewis, and he is quite good! The boys also enjoy playing with a couple of toy bowling sets we have.

Lewis sets it up just like Wii bowling. He imitates the characters holding one hand behind their backs and the ball in the other hand.

He also likes to put out a "scoreboard" like on the Wii with a small image of the players. Since Lewis was playing by himself in these pictures, you can see to the side, his Little People version of himself on a blue rectangle. They are always set up in the order that people are supposed to take turns. Very odd, but it kind of makes sense!

The other night, Justin and Lewis were neck in neck playing a game, and Lewis pulled out the win. Lewis plays all on his own now. We used to help him here and there, but he does great when he wants to, and if he wants to throw a bunch of gutter balls, well, he doesn't do so good. He gets amazing spares too, splits and everything.

It is a little crazy to have both boys take turns playing. Owen is happy to hold a "trigger" when Lewis plays Wii bowling, but when we play with a set of pins it can get ugly. Its good they have an interest though!

Beth found this interesting article about autistic kids running a coffee shop at school. They used the proceeds to bowl, oddly enough! It combines two of our current passions so it seemed pertinent to post it.

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