Sunday, March 13, 2011


So, our excuse for a long silence this time, is that we have been busy putting our house on the market. We have had a hard time figuring out how we would arrange the boys with Phoebe's impending arrival, and since a house with a real yard would be sooo nice, we decided to list our house and see if anyone was interested in buying. So far we have had one showing (with some interest....we'll see if anything comes of it!), but we have spent literally weeks purging, cleaning and painting to make the place look better. It has been truly exhausting! But, I had a successful consignment experience ($250+ profit) at a local kids' consignment sale, and Justin is selling un-needed coffee items on eBay for a pretty good bit of additional cash too.

And, what can't be sold and we still didn't need has been taken to the Goodwill or a local ministry called Hope House to be distributed to the needy. It is wonderful to have a lot more space and to be relieved of the burden of excess stuff! I'm sure we could purge more, but it has been a good start.

This is what our house looks like now. We had a photojournalism student come take pictures of the house, and they were so much better with his wide angle lens than anything we could've taken ourselves.

In pregnancy news, I had my 32 week appointment over a week ago. The doctor said I was measuring a perfect 32, and had no other issues, so he was going to give me 3 weeks off. Instead of seeing me at 34 weeks, I'll go back at 35 weeks when my weekly appointments will begin and we'll get a better idea of when Phoebe will cross-over into the real world. I'm getting pretty uncomfortable now, and extremely clumsy. I've spilled 3 beverages just this week. And, I'm taking lots of Tums regularly now, which is so fun!

We have a big ARC meeting for Lewis this week on Tuesday afternoon. His teacher and team of support from pre-school will all meet to discuss his transition to kindergarten. I'm a bit nervous, but have been really pleased with his experience there, so I know having input from everyone will help us make the best decision possible. It is something we are praying about a great deal because we know it will be a big deal for Lewis. He's been in the same classroom for 2 years and really likes where he is at.

This was the only picture I hadn't posted previously. Lewis has gotten to see a bit of Mr. Patrick, the instructional assistant who helped him so much last year. Patrick is working at Bowling Green High School and one new responsibility he has is driving a student to Lewis' school every day for some sort of work experience in the middle of the day. So basically, some days when Lewis is leaving school, Mr. Patrick is arriving with this student while driving a bus. Lewis was so excited to see him that first day, he ran right up on the bus, and has acted it out several times with his Little People characters. It is a joy to see him so excited when things like this happen.

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