Wednesday, February 22, 2012

10 months!

Phoebe is 10 months old! It's hard to believe that in 2 short months she'll be one! She has made some progress this month. First, here are her latest lion pictures.

She was so squirmy this time that it was hard to take them! She weighed in at over 22 lbs her last doctor's appointment. We have been to the doctor a ton since she has basically had an ear infection since the beginning of January. She and Owen (whose illness morphed into tonsillitis) have had 3 rounds of antibiotics so far. They finished the third round today and we are really hoping this is it!

She started army crawling a couple weeks ago, and is still enjoying that (though she is pretty lazy!). What she wants to do most is stand up!

We put the legs on her leap frog table and she loves it. She isn't pulling up exactly, but tries and makes it clear she wants to stand. Or, sometimes, she pulls a "lewis" and sticks her legs out when we try to sit her on the floor. We play "stand up, sit down" and she seems to understand what those mean, so we can get her to sit by command if needed. :) Her receptive language is pretty good. If we ask her to touch our nose, she does. She gives kisses, waves and claps on command too. She also tries to do some hand motions and squealing to "If You're Happy and You Know It" which is pretty cute.

She has been trying lots of new foods like grilled cheese, quesadillas, olives, cottage cheese, noodles, and a few others. She likes the cheesy ones best so far. I started making her yogurt last month and she LOVES it just like her brothers did. When I get out the jar, she starts squealing until I have it ready in a bowl. It's just plain whole fat yogurt, but it's by far her favorite!

Phoebe also loves reading. She could read for hours. Her favorite author is definitely Karen Katz. Lewis loved her books too, but I don't remember Owen loving them. She rotates her favorites and basically memorizes them to the point where I can recite the words from memory and she will start smiling ear to ear when the book is not visible. She will squeal and lunge until I pick the one she wants. Very opinionated, this one! It's sweet to see that emerging already because I don't recall the boys making their desires clear this early. She tries to communicate one way or the other, and says something that sounds an awful lot like "mama." She's been saying "dada" for a while.

She finally got her first tooth. It poked through today, though it is still not really visible. I can feel the sharpness in there though, and it is nice to know that her teething is finally getting her somewhere!

We love our sweet baby girl!

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